Countdown to Summer

Friday, September 19, 2014

International Talk Like a Pirate Day!

Warm Up:

Why does it take pirates so long to learn the alphabet?
Because they spend all their time at the Cs.
Objective: I be successful when....

1.  ...I can use all the tools of a geographer
2. ...I can use a map and all its components to find my way
3. ...I can answer the question: How do geographers show information on the map?

In Class:

1.  Phase 1: Map Titles and Symbols
2. Go over Answers
3. Take this exit ticket!! When I tell ye!


1.  Do ye want reminders about homework? 
2. How about signing up here: Remind (make sure to read the directions!!)

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May 18, 2019

Warm up: DOG In Class 1. Locker clean out! 2.  Life! NO BACKPACKS OR LOCKERS AFTER TODAY!! Homework NO BACKPACKS O...